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Building Code Compliance


Greens Tapware products comply with New Zealand Building Code as follows:


B2 Durability - B2.3.1 (c) applies:

Building elements must, with only normal maintenance, continue to satisfy the performance requirements of this code for the lesser of the specified intended life of the building, if stated, or:

(c) 5 years if:

i. the building elements (including services, linings, renewable protective coatings, and fixtures) are easy to access and replace, and

ii. failure of those building elements to comply with the building code would be easily detected during normal use of the building.

Greens Tapware Evidence of Compliance:

Greens Tapware products can be used in residential and/or commercial buildings where cold, hot or mixed water temperatures hot water is required to be supplied. They are suitable for use and with and all pressure/mains pressure water supply systems. There are different warranty terms for residential and commercial applications (see below for warranty info). Greens Tapware is not suitable for use in areas which are being permanently concealed such as behind concrete. There is no maintenance required apart from during normal course of use, although product care and cleaning instructions are supplied will every item.

Greens Tapware products are designed in New Zealand specifically for the water and environmental conditions found in each market that we operate in and produced using carefully chosen material so that we can provide the best quality and service to our customers. Our warranty process is thorough and every claim is checked and corrective or preventative action taken.

Greens is an ISO 9001 certified company. Our products meet international quality standards including the Australian and New Zealand standard mark. This is your guarantee that they comply with Building Code requirements including the use of non-lead leaching and non-toxic materials for healthy and safe drinking water. All products that are Watermark certified are subject to strict endurance testing.


G1 Personal Hygiene - G1.3.2 applies:
Sanitary fixtures shall be located, constructed and installed to:

  1. avoid risk of food contamination,
  2. avoid harbouring dirt or germs,
  3. provide appropriate privacy,
  4. avoid affecting occupants of adjacent spaces from the presence of unpleasant odours, accumulation of offensive matter, or other source of annoyance,
  5. allow effective cleaning,
  6. discharge to a plumbing and drainage system as required by Clause G13 Foul water when water-borne disposal is used, and
  7. provide a healthy safe disposal system when non-water-borne disposal is used.

Greens Tapware Evidence of Compliance:
Greens Tapware products are subject to “contamination of water” testing (AS/NZS 4020).
Where products are Watermarked, this will include compliance with AS/NZ 4020


G12 Water Supplies - G12.3.5 applies:
Sanitary fixtures and sanitary appliances must be provided with hot water when intended to be used for

  1. utensil washing; and
  2. personal washing, showering, or bathing.

Greens Tapware Evidence of Compliance:
Greens Tapware products are subject to flow rate testing that is within the limitation set by the AS/NZS 3500 (NZBC) and the WELS regulations.


G12 Water Supplies - G12.3.2 applies:
A potable water supply system shall be –

  1. protected from contamination; and
  2. installed in a manner which avoids the likelihood of contamination within the system and the water main; and
  3. installed using components that will not contaminate the wate

Greens Tapware Evidence of Compliance:
Greens Tapware products are subject to “contamination of water” testing (AS/NZS 4020).
Where products are Watermarked, this will include compliance with AS/NZ 4020


G12 Water Supplies - G12.3.7 applies:
Water supply systems must be installed in a manner that–

  1. pipes water to sanitary fixtures and sanitary appliances flow rates that are adequate for the correct functioning of those fixtures and appliances under normal conditions; and
  2. avoids the likelihood of leakage; and
  3. allows reasonable access to components likely to need maintenance; and
  4. allows the system and any backflow prevention devices to be isolated for testing and maintenance.

Greens Tapware Evidence of Compliance:
Greens Tapware products are subject to flow rate testing that is within the limitation set by the AS/NZS 3500 (NZBC) and the WELS regulations. Where backflow prevention is required, these are supplied with Greens Tapware products.


All Greens Tapware products are manufactured under the control of Greens Tapware Ltd who use various internal and sub contracting operations in the making of tapware using local and overseas supplied components.

Product Installation is recommended to be completed by a registered plumber,  Installation must be in accordance with Greens installation instructions as provided with every product and is available on the Greens Tapware website.


 All PressuresMains Pressure
Minimum Hot Water Pressure35kPa 150kPa
Maximum Water Pressure500kPa500kPa
    • Pressure over 500kPa requires a Pressure Limiting Valve to be fitted to comply with AS/NZS3500.1.


Minimum Hot Water Temperature        50°C
Maximum Hot Water Temperature       70°C 
    • Temperatures over 70°C requires an approved Temperature Limiting Valve must be fitted.

Greens Tapware products are suitable for for use with water supply systems that are either for a mains pressure or unequal pressure (all pressures) as per the NZ Building Code.  All individual feature and benefits are listed by product on this website.

Limitations and use is specified in the technical information on each individual product from the Greens tapware website, and differs by product.

Maintenance of you Greens Tapware product is very important. There is no maintenance required apart from during normal course of use, although product care and cleaning instructions are supplied will every item.
Please see the attached link.

This product is not subject to a warning or ban under the (NZ) Building Act 2004

All warranty terms and conditions are available here on our website and as supplied with every Greens product.